Campus Notice
The Main Campus in Austin and the ABSN nursing site will reopen on Wednesday, January 22 and classes will resume their normal schedule. Further inclement weather updates will be provided via ctx email, the CTX SAFE app, and the University website.
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(EBSCO) 1865 - present

(NewsBank) 1977 - present. Comprehensive news collection ideal for exploring issues events at the local, regional, national international level.

(American Psychological Association) The official resource on APA Style (tutorials, templates, + research, writing & publishing tools). Create a free account with your CTX email.

(JSTOR) Arts & Sciences I, II, III collections, and Health General Sciences collection. Dates vary*

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(ProQuest) Access news & newspapers from the U.S. and the world.

(an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication with full-text reports on primary research from many scientific disciplines)

(EBSCO) Dates vary

(EBSCO) 1965 - present