Campus Ministry serves the students, faculty, and staff of Concordia University Texas, by inviting all to gather, grow and go on mission with Jesus.
No matter who you are, what you believe, how much you know about God or the Bible, or what you have done, we want you to know that you belong here. The love of God is for you. The gift of salvation is a freely given gift for you. Our goal is to walk alongside you and serve you wholeheartedly so that you might meet, know and follow the one who has changed our lives forever, Jesus.
Watch this short video of Pastor Jake sharing the overall mission and work of Campus Ministry.

GATHER to worship
Jesus invites us to GATHER in a community of friends to meet His presence to worship God. Gather experiences strengthen our relationship with God by forming habits of hearing the Word of God, praying, generosity, baptismal remembrance, showing hospitality, and confessing our sins. Our two main GATHER experiences are the weekly chapel and refuge worship.

GROW in a life group
Jesus invites us to GROW in our relationship with God and other people by being discipled by others. The primary experience in campus ministry to grow in your faith is by joining a life group. A life group is a small group of people who read God’s Word and practice what it says.

GO on a mission trip
Jesus invites us to GO into our daily life to join Him on His mission to help others meet, know and follow Him. Campus ministry offers short-term and long-term experiences in our local Austin community and worldwide.
GO MissionsThe Campus Ministry Team at Concordia wants to pray for and encourage you throughout your college journey. College can be a tough, and lonely time. Let us help you build lifelong friendships. We want to be one of the first new friends you meet. Knowing a little about our campus ministry team would probably be good. Here goes!
Campus Ministry Team-
Resources and Information
Concordia University Texas is passionate about sharing the love of Jesus Christ with its entire community. Contact the Campus Ministry team if you have questions or need additional resources.
Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Care
For pastoral counseling, spiritual care, someone to pray with, and encouragement, please contact our team so we can better assist you ( or come by our Campus Ministry offices at Concordia Texas in Austin in Building A near the chapel.
Students and community members experiencing an emergency should contact Emergency Resources, seek medical care when necessary, and please let us know how we can pray for you.
Chapel 101
Many of you might wonder, “Is chapel really for me?” Yes! We know you will benefit from these gatherings and hope you will join us sometime soon.
(Check out this short video from Pastor Jake about the chapel gathering)
What should I wear? Dress comfortably, casually, and be yourself. However you normally dress, we expect you to come dressed for us to experience the authentic you.
Where should I sit? We want you to feel comfortable. Sit in the back, middle, front, back, sit, stand, or lay on the ground (ok, that might be too far). Please don’t be offended if we come to say hi or hi-five you at the door. Our goal is to make you feel loved and known. And please let us know if there is anything that was just "off" or really "on" for you as you experienced our gatherings.
Can I watch it online? Yes! We stream each service on Youtube.
What goes on during chapel? We will most likely sing, hear a reading from God’s Word, and a trained speaker breaking God’s Word down into biteable parts that can apply to your life. We will spend time praying too. Our goal is to keep the experience to 25 minutes total.
What is #PackTheHouse Wednesdays? After chapel on Wednesdays we offer snacks and drinks for us all to build community and connection. We hope that every seat would be filled on Wednesdays and many would join us online to unify as a community in worship.
Director’s Message
Concordia is a safe place to explore what you believe. I have been served as a full-time campus pastor since Spring 2022. In the time that I have been at Concordia, I have seen students meet Jesus for the first time by hearing from the Word of God and new friends that they are loved, known, and forgiven. When students are open to learning and growing, God meets them in a relationship and reveals Himself.
If you are a parent of a student who is at or is considering or will be at Concordia, know that we will take good care of your young adult. We will come alongside them, and they will not be alone. Your student is in good hands.
If you are a student, I want to encourage you to be open to reading the stories of Jesus found in the Bible, putting your trust in Jesus, and seeing your life radically transform.
The way of Jesus is to surrender your life and follow His teachings. Salvation cost Jesus His very life for our life. When you become a follower of Jesus, you don’t become perfect. But you have someone who knows what you are going through and will always be there for you. We are hopeful that through the experiences at Concordia, thousands of students in the coming decade will surrender their life to Jesus and follow His way of grace, truth, compassion and love.
Pray for us. We need your prayers. Campus Ministry’s vision is for a multi-cultural community of students, faculty, and staff in person and online, to gather, grow and go on mission with Jesus so that thousands of people meet, know, and follow Jesus in the coming years.
Life can be a pretty wild ride. No matter what you go through in college and beyond, God meets us all where we are at to walk with us through all things.
Concordia hopes to do the same.
You belong here. Join us!
Pastor Jake BoesslingCampus Pastor