University Closed on January 21 Due to Weather Conditions
The Main Campus in Austin, the Austin Nursing Site, and all university activities in Central Texas will be closed on Tuesday, January 21 due to inclement weather. Updates will be provided via email, the CTX SAFE app, and the University website.
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(NewsBank) 1977 - present. Comprehensive news collection ideal for exploring issues events at the local, regional, national international level.

[Title List] e-Libro provides a comprehensive Spanish language collection of e-books for students & researchers pursuing liberal arts, social science & science studies. It includes over 95,000 titles from more than 500 publishers. Books for the collection are selected for both research and instructional value from leading commercial, academic & university press publishers from Spain & all countries in Latin America

(EBSCO/TexShare) formerly Fuente Academica. Dates vary

(EBSCO) Dates vary

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(ProQuest) Access news & newspapers from the U.S. and the world.