University Closed on January 21 Due to Weather Conditions
The Main Campus in Austin, the Austin Nursing Site, and all university activities in Central Texas will be closed on Tuesday, January 21 due to inclement weather. Updates will be provided via email, the CTX SAFE app, and the University website.
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Agriculture & Environmental Science

(NewsBank) 1977-present. A pre-defined topic search for Environment Studies that links directly to issues events at the local, regional, national international level.

(EBSCO) Containing bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library, AGRICOLA provides millions of citations relating to the field of agriculture. Citations are comprised of journal articles, book chapters, theses, patents, software, audiovisual materials & technical reports to support agricultural research. 1970 - present

(EBSCO) Database covering the environmental effects of individuals, corporations & governments & what can be done at each level to minimize negative impacts. It provides thousands of open access full-text records from scholarly, government & general interest sources. 1970 - present

(JSTOR) Arts Sciences I, II, III collections, and Health General Sciences collection. Dates vary

  • Newsstream (Global) Please note, this database is not searchable via our Jump Start/Discovery search platform.

(ProQuest) Access news & newspapers from the U.S. and the world.

(an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication with full-text reports on primary research from many scientific disciplines)

  • TOXNET Note: TOXNET has moved. Most of NLM's toxicology information services have been integrated into other NLM products & services. Please click on the link for further details.

(U.S. National Library of Medicine) Dates vary