- Agriculture & Environmental Science
- Business, Economics & Vocational
- Criminal Justice
- Education
- English/Literature
- History
- Languages, Modern
- Music & Fine Arts
- Newspapers & Current Events
- Nursing, Health & Kinesiology
- Political Science, Law, & Military
- Psychology
- Reference (multi-discipline)
- Religion
- Science & Technology
- Sociology
*** Temporary Resources for COVID19 Pandemic & current issues ***
- ACRL's Pandemic Resources for Academic Libraries LibGuide: Updated information, free professional development, open access publications, and other resources to support academic and research library personnel during a pandemic. The guide includes resources for distance education and engagement, free webcasts and publications, best practices, information on self-care and working from home, up-to-date information from public health officials, and collections of ALA and community-sourced resources to assist in navigating a pandemic.
- ALA Pandemic Preparedness page for additional resources on COVID-19
- Artstor: Free access till 06/30/2021. Provides faculty & students with a complete image resource in a wide array of subjects with the breadth & depth to add context beyond the confines of your discipline.
- Capstone Interactive: For our Education majors, parents, etc. Access to audio/interactive e-Books for K-12 students.
- Copyright for Campus Closures: Exploring the Copyright Issues around Moving Instruction and Reference Online
- COVID-19 Projections: (IHME) Data and projections for the U.S. and individual states.
- Expanded access to resources from Publishers & Platforms (SCELC/ICOLC): An ever-growing list of COVID19 complimentary expanded access from a variety of publishers and vendors. PLEASE NOTE: Access varies among the providers, some require the individual to register for access, and other conditions may apply. Please read the conditions provided for each platform.
- Information Literacy Instruction at a (Social) Distance: Strategies for Moving Online
- JSTOR: In addition to our normal JSTOR offerings of Arts Sciences I, II, III collections, and Health General Sciences collection, our patrons will have access to additional journals and e-Books through 06/30/2021. Users simply have to use Concordia Library's JSTOR link and the available expanded content will be reflected in the search results.
- Junior Library Guild: For our Education majors, parents, etc. Free activities, e-books and resources to keep K-12 students engaged during this new-normal of school closures and social distancing.
- National Emergency Library, a collection of books that supports emergency remote teaching, research activities, independent scholarship, and intellectual stimulation while universities, schools, training centers, and libraries are closed.
- Osmosis: Medical learning platform for clinicians and caregivers. Please Note: User will have to accept a pledge to fight the spread of COVID-19, and also to register by email.
- The Royal Society: Relevant and current COVID-19 research Also, for a limited time, there will be access to additional content for researchers: https://royalsociety.org/journals/#listing
- WaiFi: WiFi, Hotspots finder