University Closed on January 21 Due to Weather Conditions
The Main Campus in Austin, the Austin Nursing Site, and all university activities in Central Texas will be closed on Tuesday, January 21 due to inclement weather. Updates will be provided via email, the CTX SAFE app, and the University website.
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Video Playback Troubleshooting

Streaming Videos

Viewing streaming videos and Tegrity require that you have the proper plug-ins installed. Some streaming videos require an Adobe Flash install.

  • If you own Windows, make sure you have the current Windows Media Player.
    • If you use Internet Explorer, you will need to answer the security question properly to ALLOW unsecured data.
    • If you use Firefox or Chrome as your browser you need to have the correct plug-in.
    • Click on Download Now, a window will pop up asking if you to save the file. Click save file and follow the instructions therein.
  • If you own a Mac, you will have to first get what is called a plug-in which is essentially a piece of software that allows you to run other bits of software.

Please contact the Helpdesk at 512-313-HELP (4357) if you have further questions.