CTX Blog

Summer Before College Checklist: The Student Edition

June 04, 2018

Students, get ready!

Hey there, incoming Tornados! Don't let your summer waste away without taking care of a few things!

RSVP to Orientation

Our orientation, Embark!, is held three times. Session One takes place July 16-17, Session Two takes place July 19-20 and Session 3 (only open to out-of-state and international students) takes place August 22-23. If you haven't registered yet, do so now because it is mandatory! Get ready for some team building, games, advice and fun!

Learn how to budget ✓

After speaking with your parents and learning what costs you are personally responsible for, start thinking about how you will budget these costs. Textbooks, groceries, gas, housing and Netflix accounts all cost money.

Will a weekend job be enough to support yourself? Will becoming an Uber or Lyft driver on an as-needed basis suffice? Maybe you should spend this summer really hustling at your job? 

Ask your mom and dad for help ✓

If you still don't know how to prepare a simple meal, wash clothes or change a tire, now is the perfect time to have your parents teach you these things. They will be flattered, (and probably relieved!) that you have the foresight to ask for help. Very mature of you!

Get cultured ✓

Why wait until college to expand your horizons? Go to an art exhibit, get tickets for the Austin Symphony Orchestra or travel to another city/state/country and interact with the locals. Whatever you do, make sure it's slightly outside your comfort zone!

Service your car ✓

Take your car to a mechanic and have them check your brakes, change your oil and give you a tune-up if necessary. The last thing you want to worry about while getting used to the workload of a college student is your car breaking down on the side of the road.

Service yourself

Go to your doctor and get a physical exam. While there, be sure you are caught up on all of your vaccinations. If you are relocating from another state/city, it's a great time to start researching what new provider you will start seeing who accepts your health insurance once you get here!