For students conditionally accepted into the Concordia University Texas BSN Program, there are clinical compliance requirements that must be met in order to participate in the program.

Enrollment in the Clinical Student System
All compliance requirements must be complete and all documentation completed prior to the start of the semester. If a requirement is not complete, students may not start nursing courses. To ensure and track compliance for the Concordia University Texas BSN Program and clinical partners, Clinical Student / System 32 (Clinical Student) is the required electronic manager of compliance files for each nursing student. Students are automatically enrolled in Clinical Student upon conditional acceptance to the program.
Clinical StudentAll nursing students are responsible for remaining current and up to date with all compliance items throughout the nursing program. If students are not in compliance at any time, they cannot attend any clinical practicum experience, and this may jeopardize their ability to start and/or participate in the nursing program. If for any reason a required immunization is contraindicated, the student is required to present a record from a health care provider indicating the circumstances.
The below information regarding clinical requirements is reflected in Clinical Student, but also provided here for reference and preparation for enrollment in the BSN Program. All costs associated with all items is the responsibility of the student. Please be aware that compliance requirements could change at any time based on agreements with our clinical partners. Additional costs will be the responsibility of the student.
Clinical Student Setup
- CTX will establish an account in Clinical Student for the student.
- The student will receive initial login information via email from a System32 email address. This process will take time and is not automatic. Please be patient and check email including junk/spam for this information.
- The student will use their login information to set up their Clinical Student account as soon as the student gets the email notification.
- Once log in information for Clinical Student access is received, the student will use their login information to set up their Clinical Student account as soon as the student gets the email notification.
- The process of uploading documents and obtaining any required compliance items takes time, so do not delay starting this process.
- The student is responsible for uploading documents to their Clinical Student account.
- The student will pay for their Clinical Student account. The cost for the Clinical Student / System32 account is approximately $190.00. Additional charges may apply for a background check, drug screens, or other items.
- Begin uploading all documentation as soon as it is available.
Documentation must include date, lot number, dosing, and signature of the person administering the vaccine. This information is due by the designated upload deadline, please contact your admission counselor for this deadline.
MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella)
Documentation of either (1) proof of 2 MMR vaccinations or (2) Positive IgG titer ( including a lab report for each of the 3 components) must be provided.
Varicella (Chicken Pox)
Documentation of either (1) two completed vaccinations, (2) Positive antibody titers with lab report, or (3) A letter noting medically documented history of disease from the student, parent, or documenting physician must be provided and a positive antibody titer with lab report.
TDaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis) Booster
Must have all three of the components and provide documentation of completion within the past 10 years.
Must be updated yearly by October 1st. Students conditionally admitted for the Fall cohort may submit documentation of an updated flu shot when it becomes available after September 1 rather than submit the previous season's documentation.
Physical or Sports Physical Exam
Documentation of a physical exam must be submitted to Clinical Student. Please use the CTX form provided in Clinical Student for documentation of your physical.
Tuberculosis (TB) Test
Choose from the options below, and upload results. This information is due by the designated upload deadline.
TB Gold Test
Negative QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-TUbe (QFT-G) blood test.
Chest X-Ray Report
This option must be used for anyone with a previous TB vaccination or a positive result for any of the above. Must show no active disease.
In the case of a positive TB test:
- Individual will provide documentation of a negative (-) chest X-ray (two views—PA and Lateral).
- Provide documentation from their health care provider that they are non-infectious for TB and safe to care for patients.
- Then annually, a negative skin, IGRA, or X-ray is needed.
TB Testing must be renewed annually.
TB Gold Test
Hepatitis B (Hep-B) Vaccine
Choose from the options below, and upload documentation by the designated upload deadline.
Hepatitis B Titer
- Submit your titer results – you must have a reactive/positive titer to be compliant.
- If your titer is negative, please get a Hep B booster or vaccine series per your provider's recommendation. Please note the timeline of the vaccine series can impact your start date.
- Complete a repeat titer 30 days after you complete the booster
- Upload your positive repeat titer (completed 30 days after the booster)
- If titer is negative, please schedule a repeat booster vaccine and subsequent titer to be drawn 30 days after booster
- You must continue this process until you have a reached a positive titer
HEPLISAV-B vaccine series
- Submit your 2-part HEPLISAV-B vaccine series
Hepatitis B Titer
- Obtain CPR certification and approval prior to start.
- Student must be certified for Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers through the American Heart Association.
- The student must provide a copy of your completion and certification card for the American Heart Association Basic Life Support Health Provider course. The copy of the card uploaded must include the front & back of the card and include signatures of both the instructor and student.
- Red Cross certification will not be accepted.
- To start, visit, and click "Sign up for a BLS classroom course near you" to search for an instructor.
- The certification must remain valid and cannot expire during enrollment. Students should pay attention to reminders sent from Clinical Student as they proceed through the program.

Health Insurance
- Student must have health insurance throughout the nursing program, with documentation no older than 30 days from the start of the semester.
- Student must upload proof of health insurance enrollment, such as a summary of coverage with their information and policy number, or upload front and back of their insurance card.
- Insurance coverage must include emergency room visits.
- CTX does not have preferred insurance providers. Research thoroughly to find the best coverage and premium for the student.
- Plans that renew month-to-month will not be accepted. Plans must show coverage throughout the nursing program semester.
Clinical Student / System 32 Background Check
- Clinical partners require additional screening beyond that provided by the Texas BON.
- This screening is specifically outlined and covered within your Clinical Student / System 32 account.
- Hospitals require an additional background screening that includes employment history, professional disciplinary action, and other disciplinary actions that may have occurred.
- This is in addition to the criminal background screening required by the Texas BON and is not optional; no other background checking services will be accepted.
- Drug screens must be completed no sooner than 30 days and no later than 15 days prior to the compliance deadline. Check in Clinical Student or with your counselor for your specific screening period and deadline.
- Clinical Student provides a drug screen order. The dates on the order show how long the order is active, but do not align with the eligible window of accepted results.
- Results will be sent directly to Clinical Student for approval when the student submits their sample.
- Clinical Student must show results as accepted and completed before the compliance upload deadline.
- Any student that has an interrupted enrollment will be required to complete a drug screen prior to readmission to the nursing program. An interruption in enrollment is defined as not being continuously enrolled in a nursing course. The cost of drug screening is the responsibility of the student.
- A positive drug screen is any instance in which a drug screen report shows a positive test for one or more of the drugs on the panel. Any student may be required to have additional screening at any time. A student who has a positive drug screen, for which there is not a lawful prescription, will not be given placement in any clinical facility and will be dismissed from the program immediately.
If you have questions once you have set up your Clinical Student / System 32 account, please contact their support at
How can I get help with requirements in Clinical Student or ask questions about my
Please email Clinical Student/System 32’s customer service team:
Can I do my CPR requirement online?
Partly! The American Heart Association offers BLS for Healthcare Provider CPR theory online, but students who complete this option must also complete an in-person skills session before they will receive certification.
Is the Texas BON background check the same as the one in Clinical Student?
No, you are required to pass two separate background checks to start nursing school. One is through the Texas BON and the other is done for our clinical partners through the Clinical Student system.
What happens after I am fingerprinted by IdentoGo?
The Texas Board Of Nursing (BON) conducts its background check. If the background check is clear, you will receive a blue card or letter of clearance in the mail to the address the BON has on file. Note: the BON does NOT send the blue card/letter of clearance to Concordia. Students need to upload the blue card/letter themselves using the link provided in the BSN BON Clearance email, with the subject line “Important Program Information: Clearance with the Board of Nursing”.
What do I do if I don’t receive an email from IdentoGo?
Touch base with your admissions counselor first. They can check to see if your roster has been sent to the BON. If it has been more than 5 weeks since your roster was sent, call the Texas BON or contact them via their webpage.
I don’t have insurance. How do I know which insurance Clinical Student accepts? Does
Concordia offer health insurance?
Clinical Student does not have preferred insurance. Concordia does not offer health insurance. Students typically search online for health insurance policies that renew annually or quarterly. Insurance that renews on a month-to-month basis is not accepted.
I did one TB skin test, why did it get rejected?
TB skin tests require 4 visits and 2 test results in order to be approved. Both sets of negative results must be uploaded simultaneously in order to receive approval.
I got my blue card in the mail, what do I do with it now?
Great! Upload your blue card to the link provided in your monthly clinical compliance reminder, or the original email with the subject line “Important Program Information: Clearance with the Board of Nursing.”
I don’t understand all of the options for the Hep B requirement. Can you clarify them?
Option 1- If you have completed the "traditional" Hep B series of three vaccines given at 4, 8, and 16 weeks respectively.
- Submit your 3-part Hep B vaccine series
- Submit your Hep B titer
- If your titer is negative, please get a Hep B booster or vaccine series per your provider's
- Upload your booster/vaccine series
- Upload your repeat titer when completed
- If your titer is negative, please get a Hep B booster or vaccine series per your provider's
Option 2- If you have completed the Hep B titer only
- Only submit your Hep B titer
- If your titer is negative, please get a Hep B booster or vaccine series per your provider's
- Upload your booster/vaccine series and reach out to Prof Ward regarding the 12/10 compliance update deadline
- Upload your repeat titer when completed
- If your titer is negative, please get a Hep B booster or vaccine series per your provider's
Option 3- If you have completed the HEPLISAV-B vaccine series of two vaccines given one month apart.
- Submit your 2-part HEPLISAV-B vaccine series
Is the COVID-19 vaccination required?
Yes. Clinical partners now require all students to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Please ensure your proof of vaccination (both doses, with proper documentation) are in Clinical Student by your upload deadline.
If I already completed the COVID-19 vaccination this year, do I need a booster?
Not at this time; however, these requirements are provided to CTX by our clinical partners. Requirements may change in the future, so be sure to keep an eye on your inbox for communication from your Admission and Nursing teams.
Can I do my drug screen early?
No. Drug screens must be completed no sooner than 30 days and no later than 15 days prior to the compliance deadline. Check in Clinical Student or with your counselor for your specific screening period and deadline.
Is there a form in Clinical Student that I need to complete for the drug screen?
No, there are no forms to download in Clinical Student for the drug screen. You will receive an authorization form from Validity Screening once you have purchased the drug screen and submitted the required documents. You will need to take this form with you to the clinic you selected during the order process. Once the drug screen is complete, results will be sent directly to clinical student and available in the student’s account in clinical student.
Are there specific locations where I need to complete the drug screen?
You can self-schedule and select a drug screening location closest to the zip code you provided.