This information is for university supervisors and campus mentors for MEd in Educational Administration with Principal Certification practicum students. For students in EDAD 5155 or 5156, all forms and information about the Practicum will be in your Blackboard course.
Educational Administration: Principal Certification Practicum
The EDAD sequence provides opportunities for students to develop appropriate administrative skills and procedures vital to a successful educational setting in public or private schools. Candidates develop a high level of leadership skills and gain knowledge about theories that drive the educational process. Candidates who successfully complete the educational administration sequence will meet the State of Texas course requirements and are eligible to take the TExES Principal exams (268-Principal as Instructional Leader and 368-Performance Assessment for School Leaders) to be certified as a principal.
Candidates complete a practicum under the mentorship of a Texas-certified administrator who has at least three years of experience at a local school or district administration office and under the supervision of the University by a currently certified Texas administrator. During the practicum, each candidate completes a minimum of 160 hours acting as a school administrator by completing activities that relate to the program competencies and Principal Standards found in TAC 241.15.
Information for the practicum University supervisors and campus mentors is on this page; forms and information for the students enrolled in the practicum are found in Blackboard through their EDAD 5155 Practicum II and EDAD 5156 Practicum III courses.
Note: Students may log hours for certification purposes only during EDAD 5156 Practicum III.
University Supervisor Training
University Field Supervisor training will be held Monday, August 8 at 7:00 p.m. Please contact Dr. Lori Einfalt for more information. Field Supervisors must complete the university training before supervising practicum students.
University Supervisor Forms
All principal practicum forms will be sent and must be completed through Dynamic Forms. Handwritten forms will not be accepted.
Site Supervisor (Campus Mentor) Training
- Site Supervisor (Campus Mentor) Training video (YouTube video)