Conordia University Texas is a private, nonprofit university where Christ is honored and students of all backgrounds are welcome.
We invite you to join the Concordia Community and invest in ensuring current and future students have an opportunity to learn in a caring, compassionate, academically challenging, and well-resourced institution. Your gifts not only change lives, but also ensure communities are transformed. Concordia students learn to think critically, act compassionately, and lead courageously.

The Concordia Club
Help meet the daily needs of our students, faculty and staff by making a gift to The Concordia Fund. Your support in this area provides funding for scholarships, technology, enrichment programs, campus improvements and so much more.
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Our CTX Athletic program supports 15 varsity teams with over 250 student athletes. Gifts to the athletic program help provide funding for equipment, uniforms, travel needs and facility improvement.
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The Luther Endowment Circle
Endowment Funds provide lasting support and help sustain and further our University mission. The Luther Endowment Circle recognizes individuals, families and entities that have set up Endowments to support the areas closest to their hearts at Concordia.
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This Is Our Concordia Employee Giving Campaign
Faculty and staff at Concordia University Texas are encouraged to support the university's mission by joining our annual employee giving campaign. Gifts can be made online, by check or through payroll deduct.
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