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Academics, Choosing-a-Major, Admissions

Why Should I Go to College?

July 17, 2019
Students Talking at Concordia University Texas

You’ll often hear that college graduates make about 1.6 times more money than high school graduates on average. While this is true, there are many other benefits that college offers you.

Social Growth

At college, you have the opportunity to make new friends and join one of the many student organizations we have.

Additionally, college presents you with valuable networking opportunities you may not find elsewhere. Students at Concordia University Texas have the opportunity to meet professionals within the Austin community and beyond.

The small classes at CTX provide the perfect environment for personalized growth. You will learn how to communicate more effectively through presentations, group work and one-on-one help from professors.

Find Your Calling

Many people aren’t certain which career path they want to pursue. In college, you are exposed to a wide array of subjects and can determine which areas of study interest you before having to commit to a career.

CTX is committed to helping you identify the vocation to which God is calling you. Further, as a liberal arts school, you will have the opportunity to study an even wider array of subjects.

Flexible Options

Technology has revolutionized the way people earn college degrees. We recognize that every student is different - their backgrounds, experience and goals. That’s why CTX offers many different ways to earn a degree.

We offer the following ways of learning:

  • On campus during the day
  • On campus during the evening
  • Online
  • A mixture of on campus and online

Advance in the Future

Nearly all management and executive positions require you to have an undergraduate degree. Earning a college degree will help you advance in your career and climb rank within a company.

A liberal arts degree from CTX equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage and lead others. You will be prepared to think critically, act compassionately and lead courageously.

Got questions? We’ve got answers. Contact our admissions team to learn more about the benefits of earning a college degree and to discuss whether or not it’s the right option for you.