CTX Blog

University Theme 23-24

June 27, 2023 by Jacob Boessling
"Enough" 2 Corinthians 12:9

Each year our campus ministry team chooses a theme by which we live our life together during that time. This past year’s “What is Life?” theme was seen and used around campus in various ways. This year’s theme – ENOUGH – will receive even more robust attention as our campus ministry team provides multiple resources to encounter Christ through this theme. I would encourage you to be creative and incorporate the theme into your daily work by including it in your syllabuses, making it a part of your daily devotion time, posting it somewhere in your office as a reminder, and using it regularly in meetings.

Below is an explanation of the theme, written by our Campus Pastor, Jake Boessling. I want to thank him and his team for ensuring this theme is alive across our community and for their commitment to sharing the love of Christ with students, faculty, staff, and others who engage with CTX. May God bless your year as you consider what it means that God’s grace is all we need – it is enough!


Enough is our Concordia University Texas theme for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The word “enough” is used quite often in our daily questioning.

  • Do I have enough gas to get me back to campus?
  • Am I prepared enough for my final exams?
  • Will I have enough money to pay my tuition bill?

We also use the word “enough” in our daily thoughts.

  • I’ve had enough of this.
  • Enough is enough!
  • Enough said.

And at a deep internal level, we might ask, as we explore the world around us and our place in it: “Am I good enough?”

We have questions. God has answers. And there is plenty enough truth from God’s Word to go around, relate, and help us in our journey.

Our theme verse is pulled from 2 Corinthians 12:9. Paul has been struggling with what he describes as a “thorn in the flesh.” The precise nature of this severe affliction remains unknown. “But God said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” God’s Word expresses that human weakness provides the ideal opportunity to display God’s divine power.

Am I enough? Am I good enough? Am I better than enough?

Will I make it through this struggle? Is God here with us through the struggle?

Jesus answers this way, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness” (NLT - New Living Translation).

Our contentment begins with hearing these words spoken from Jesus to us and for our lives ahead. Good news, His grace is sufficient and adequate for our journey ahead. We try to put so many things in place of God’s goodness and grace, which leaves us empty every time, running on fumes. Grace is the foundation of your interior spiritual house. Your most significant need has been met. Jesus’ death and resurrection fulfill our need for rescue from our sins and death.

When we truly believe that God is enough, all that we truly need to define us, the way we see our weaknesses can shift. Paul continues, “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

Paul boasts about His weaknesses. Wow, that’s such great faith in Christ. Let us pray that we can get to that point to see our weaknesses as a chance to rely on God’s power fully. Anyone feeling weak? Anyone feeling insecure or anxious? Anyone struggling with something they are not sure how to overcome? Christ’s power rests with each of us today right where you are, for whatever you are dealing with, and by grace through faith, He will see you through it.

This next year, we will tackle plenty of sub-themes around the banner of “Enough.” Each week of the semester, we will focus on a new, fresh angle of this theme. You will be encouraged as a group of students or colleagues on a team or before a staff/faculty/team meeting to use the three weekly Enough Big Idea Devotions provided online to integrate your faith identity into your vocation and work. Some of the upcoming Big Ideas we will be exploring are:

  • “God placed you here, and that is enough.”
  • “You are enough because He said you are enough.”
  • “Our Father is bigger than our circumstances, even when the world is falling apart.”
  • “Following Jesus requires sacrifice.”

These Big Idea themes can be woven into your classroom prayers, team meeting devotionals before the strategy session, huddles before games, and personal devotional time with Jesus, and we can’t wait to see the countless ways you will use this theme - ENOUGH.

Journey with us as we go into the year, praying the simple words of Jesus along the way,

Our Father in heaven, Hallowed it be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever, Amen.

Enough said.