CTX Blog

What Kind of Professor Do I Have? Types of CTX Faculty Members

February 20, 2020
professor in classroom

Faculty members at Concordia University Texas offer students valuable real-world experience and a commitment to the University's Christ-centered values. Did you know that you can tell a lot about your professor from their official title, including the experience and educational background they may bring?

Here's a guide to help you understand the difference between faculty ranks at Concordia.

Adjunct Instructor

While there are other types of short-term educators, a majority of them at Concordia are adjunct instructors.

Concordia's adjunct instructors are part-time, temporary employees who have at least a master's degree or have completed 18+ hours of graduate work. All CTX educators, including adjunct instructors, must identify themselves as Christian and attend a Christian congregation.

Many of Concordia's adjunct instructors also have part- or full-time jobs and bring their current knowledge into the classroom, providing you with greater insight into the subject and examples of real-life application.

Read how one Environmental Science adjunct instructor got to Concordia.

Long-Term Faculty Members

There are four main categories of long-term faculty members at Concordia: instructor, assistant professor, associate professor and professor.

There are many requirements that apply to every type of long-term faculty member at CTX.

  • Identify self as a Christian and is a member of a Christian congregation
  • Has credible academic or professional experience
  • Learn best practices in teaching
  • Demonstrates commitment to CTX mission
  • Demonstrates loyalty, discretion and integrity (long-term faculty members)


Instructors often advance to a higher rank. They hold at least a master's degree or have completed 18+ hours of graduate work in the discipline he or she teaches.

Instructor Jo McIntosh was appointed as the Otto W. and Norma L. Shafer Endowed Chair in Literature. Check out the Spring 2019 magazine for more information.

Assistant Professor

An assistant professor is one rank above an instructor. Concordia's assistant professors have earned or are currently earning a doctorate or terminal degree (highest degree in field) related to his or her discipline.

Assistant professors must stay current in their respective fields, ensuring that they provide you with relevant information.

Associate Professor

An associate professor is one rank above assistant professor. These faculty members must have a doctorate or terminal degree in his or her discipline, and they must have served at least six years as an assistant professor.

Concordia's associate professors must be active contributors to the study of their disciplines (research, published papers, presentations, etc.), and they should be esteemed by the Concordia community.


Professors hold the highest active rank at Concordia. These faculty members have doctorates or terminal degrees and must meet the most extensive collection of requirements.

  • Served as associate professors for at least six years
  • Achieved notable accomplishments and recognition in respective discipline
  • Improved the educational experience of students
  • Demonstrates excellent teaching and leading abilities
  • Shares wisdom in their field with students, colleagues and community
  • Mentors students and faculty
  • Is esteemed by Concordia community

Concordia bestows the rank of professor emeritus or emerita to faculty members who have made extraordinary contributions to the University over the course of their educational vocations. The rank is given to faculty members who have entered full retirement or passed away.

Every CTX faculty member offers experience in the fields they teach, and because of Concordia's small class sizes, you have the opportunity to receive personalized attention from every one of your instructors, whether you're an on-campus or online student.