CTX Blog

The Productivity Benefits of Working in a Beautiful Office

May 22, 2019
Concordia University Texas Offices Outside View

HR advisory firm Future Workplace conducted a survey called “The Employee Experience,” asking more than 1,600 employees in North America to rank which factors improve employee experience the most.

The Results of the Employee Experience Survey

Access to natural light and views of the outdoors ranked number one. It even beat things like cafeterias, fitness centers and on-site childcare.

In the same study, Future Workplace found that 73% of the employees agreed that the longer they use technological devices (mainly mobile phones), the more they wanted a visual break such as taking a walk or looking outside.

Natural Light Improves Employee Productivity

Dr. Alan Hedge, a Cornell University professor, found that natural light in an office improves the health and wellness of employees. Workers in offices with natural right reported a drop in eyestrain, headaches and drowsiness. When employees feel better, they’re more productive.

Major corporations are incorporating natural light into their office spaces, including Amazon, Overstock, Airbnb and more. Lockheed Martin revamped an office in California to let in more natural light. The company saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in energy costs.

Whether you work at a global company or you work from home, make sure your office environment lets in plenty of natural light.

Concordia University Texas' Beautiful Campus

One of the best things about Concordia University Texas is the beautiful campus that sits on 437 acres, 250 of which are part of a nature preserve. Every structure at CTX is built to frame the beautiful nature surrounding it.

Each office at CTX features giant windows, allowing employees to enjoy the beautiful trees and wildlife as they work. Additionally, there is a chalkboard in virtually every office so you can express your artistic side!

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