CTX Blog

Student Baptism at Concordia

January 29, 2019
Shelby Franco

Shelby Franco, a junior here at Concordia, is a Psychology major and a goalkeeper for the CTX women's soccer team. She is involved in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes here on campus.

And... she's getting baptized in our Chapel this week.

Joining God's kingdom in the place she discovered her faith

"I decided to get baptized because I'm ready to take the next step in growing my relationship with the Lord," Franco said. "I really wanted to get baptized at Concordia because this is where I found my faith and all of my friends who have helped me along the way are here."

Franco said she had a lot of encouragement from fellow Tornados to continue in this journey of finding her faith, but the decision to get baptized was made on her own.

"My parents are going to be driving down from Fort Worth to be here, and many of my friends here at Concordia will be attending," she said. "Two of my best friends, Kayla Carlove, and Amy Brandon, will be standing next to me during the baptism as my sponsors."

There's no time like the present

Franco said she encourages other Tornados who aren't yet baptized yet, but are looking to grow their relationships with God to go ahead and take the plunge.

"There really is never a perfect time to do anything, so do not keep putting baptism off by waiting for that perfect time to approach because it doesn't work like that."

Her favorite Bible verse, 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 states: "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love."

"Come see God at work: forgetting sins, growing his family and sharing his spirit," Pastor Steven Fick, said.

The baptism will take place Thursday, Jan. 31 at 8 p.m. Concordia students, faculty and staff are welcomed to attend to show their support.