CTX Blog

Start Your Semester off on the Right Foot with These Tips

August 27, 2018
study meme

It's day one of the fall semester. You have a clean slate, a good attitude and a desire to conquer! We are so glad to have you here.

Let us help you keep up the good work with a few pointers.

Set your phone lock screen to a photo of your class schedule

We’re guessing your phone is already in your hand while you are walking. No need to dig into your backpack or search through your emails to figure out where your next class is.

Discreetly scanning your lock screen can make you look like you’ve been a Tornado for years.

Learn the art of napping

A 10-20 minute nap is shown to boost alertness and offers a burst of energy. They don’t call it a power nap for nothing! 30-45 minutes should not be taken because they leave you feeling groggy.

60-minute naps help improve your memory skills, particularly important when studying for an exam. 90-minute naps, the easiest to wake up from, improve emotional and procedural memory and creativity.

Stop multitasking

Having your phone out while your professor is lecturing is always a no-no. Staring blankly into space while daydreaming about your next meal is also a form of giving your divided attention. Do you take notes on your computer?

Actually take notes! Don’t check Facebook, respond to emails, scroll your Twitter feed and certainly don’t watch videos (even silently.) Trust us, you aren’t as sneaky as you think you are, and your lack of attention can actually distract others around you.

If you are too tempted to open up other windows, try downloading SelfControl, an application that blocks certain websites that keep you from studying. You can set SelfControl up to keep you off these sites during all of your scheduled courses. You’ll thank us later. If all else fails, take notes on paper!

Attend every class

Sleeping in is not worth missing a class, no matter how exhausted you feel when the alarm goes off. If you absolutely have to miss a class or two, be sure to ask a classmate for notes, not your professor. Which brings us to our next point...

Make at least one friend in each one of your classes

Whether you oversleep, get sick, take a personal day or get too distracted by Luther on the way to make it on time, you want a friend who has your best interest at heart that can share their notes and verbally fill you in on anything you missed.

Plus, you can use that friend to make you look very smart during presentations! Have the friend ask you an intelligent question that you already know the answer to after you finish presenting and you are sure to get your professor’s attention.

Download some apps

Apps are a good way to keep you on track. Use scheduling and to-do apps to assist you in setting up reminders and alerts. There are countless apps designed to make you a better student.

For example, GroupMe allows you to easily message large groups of people to set up study groups or social gatherings.

Quizlet, a widely used general study tool, boasts millions of flashcard study sets for numerous topics, created by student users. The app keeps you on track for upcoming tests and quizzes by sending helpful notifications reminding you when it’s time to focus.

Evernote, the king of all note-taking apps, includes features for bookmarking, composing, clipping and more. You can also use Evernote for your growing to-do list.

Take a selfie with Luther

Incorporate Luther into as many pictures as you can. Bonus points if you get him dressed before taking the photo. He's been known to sport quite a few interesting looks in past times.

Post these pics on social media and get prepared to answer the question: "Who is that?" multiple times. It's a great opportunity to inform those who don't know about the history of the Lutheran faith. Don't forget to share your photos on our Instagram!

Go to the games

Support the talented men and women that play sports for the university by attending their games. Did you know that 50 percent of CTX's incoming class will have been recruited to play sports? Nothing looks better than packed bleachers full of fans decked in purple and yellow! Be sure to arrive decked in CTX gear from our newly renovated Campus Store.

Tornado Tuesday

Do you like free food? Yeah, so do we. Hit the student center the first Tuesday of every month from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Make new friends, wear your CTX colors and enjoy a break from studying.

Imitate a Tornado

Do the Twist(er). Act out the opening scene from Wizard of Oz. Put on that Tornado costume and start spinning. Or, you know, you could just do what all the greatest Tornados do and #taketheworldbystorm