CTX Blog

Start Earning Scholarships for College During High School with RaiseMe

January 08, 2021
CTX campus entrance

Concordia University Texas has partnered with RaiseMe, which offers students in high school the ability to begin earning money through micro-scholarships toward their college education.

Beginning as early as your freshman year in high school, you can begin building micro-scholarships to use for your education at Concordia and accumulate up to $10,000 per year toward your Concordia University Texas financial aid package.

How You Raise Money Toward Your College Education

RaiseMe offers a streamlined pathway to earning money toward your college education, beginning as early as your freshman year in high school. The program offers you a variety of ways to earn micro-scholarships.

There are four main phases to the RaiseMe process.

1. Discover Colleges on RaiseMe

Colleges across the country have partnered with RaiseMe, including Concordia University Texas.

Each college's profile contains important information about the institution, including average annual cost, popular majors and more. You can also view the scholarships each university offers through RaiseMe and the scholarship requirements.

2. Build Your RaiseMe Portfolio

Throughout high school, you can build a portfolio of your high school achievements, including the following:

  • Grades
  • Clubs
  • Sports
  • Volunteer activities
  • Work experience
  • Family service
  • Test scores
  • Art/media projects
  • College events
  • Honors and awards

3. Earn RaiseMe Micro-Scholarships

As you add achievements to your portfolio, you will begin to earn micro-scholarships from universities on RaiseMe.

Because you can see the scholarships each school offers, you can plan how you will earn scholarships from your top-choice schools.

4. Redeem Your Micro-Scholarships When You Enroll

The micro-scholarships you earn through RaiseMe for a specific university will be honored as the minimum financial aid you will receive when you enroll.

Concordia University Texas RaiseMe Micro-Scholarships

Concordia offers a full range of opportunities for you to earn micro-scholarships through academics, extracurricular activities, work experience and community involvement.

Concordia University Texas RaiseMe Micro-Scholarships



RaiseMe Micro-Scholarship

Get an A

$200 for each A in a core course (up to $2,000)

Maintain a high GPA

$150 per credit (up to 20 credits) for each 0.1 points above a 3.25 GPA (up to $16,875)

Perfect attendance for a year

$200 for each year of perfect attendance

Take an honors, advanced, Pre-AP or Pre-IB course

$150 for each course (up to $1,500)

Take an AP or IB course

$200 for each course (up to $2,000)

Take a college-level course

$150 for each course (up to $1,500)

Take 2+ years of the same language

$200 for 2+ years

Complete the Real Life Financial Mathematics course


Take and Pass the EverFi Financial Literacy course




RaiseMe Micro-Scholarship

Participate in extracurricular activity

$200 for each non-sport extracurricular activity per school year with at least 2 hours per week of participation (up to $2,000)

Leadership role in extracurricular activity

$400 for each leadership position in a non-sport activity with at least 2 hours per week of participation (up to $2,400)

Participate in esports team or league

$200 for participating in esports multiplayer video game competition or team

Community Service


RaiseMe Micro-Scholarship

Volunteer in your community

$40 for every hour of community service with 20-hour minimum (up to $1,200)

Work Experience


RaiseMe Micro-Scholarship

Job, internship and/or family support

  • $1,000 for 40-200 hours
  • $1,500 for 201-400 hours
  • $2,000 for 401+ hours

Test Experience


RaiseMe Micro-Scholarship

Take PSAT or Pre-ACT


Score well on SAT or ACT

  • $2,000 for SAT score of 1170 and then $233 for each additional 10 points
  • $2,000 for ACT score of 22 and then $716 for each additional point

Score well on AP exam

  • $500 for each 5
  • $400 for each 4
  • $300 for each 3

Take PSAT or Pre-ACT


Score well on SAT or ACT

  • $2,000 for SAT score of 1170 and then $233 for each additional 10 points
  • $2,000 for ACT score of 22 and then $716 for each additional point

Score well on AP exam

  • $500 for each 5
  • $400 for each 4
  • $300 for each 3

College Events

Concordia University Texas Event

RaiseMe Micro-Scholarship

Attend college fair

$1,000 (one-time award)

Attend off-campus event

$1,500 (one-time award)

Visit campus

$2,000 (one-time award)

Attend summer program

$1,500 (one-time award)

Take virtual tour

$2,000 (one-time award)

Meet with admissions counselor over the phone or virtually

$1,500 (one-time award)

Follow Concordia University Texas on social media (Instagram, Facebook and/or Twitter)

$1,000 (one-time award)

Attend virtual Admissions event

$1,500 (one-time award)



RaiseMe Micro-Scholarship


$100 for joining from referral or referring a friend to RaiseMe (up to $1,000)

College Success


RaiseMe Micro-Scholarship

Take civic action (choose from variety of tasks)


RaiseMe Tips

Here are five tips to keep in mind for the RaiseMe program.

1. Create an account.

Make sure to set up a RaiseMe account so you can begin to track and claim scholarships.

2. Do your research.

Concordia University Texas is one of many higher education institutions across the United States that partner with RaiseMe, but not all colleges and universities are on RaiseMe. That's why it's important to ensure that the colleges you plant to apply to are on RaiseMe.

3. Follow universities and colleges.

Following the universities and colleges you plan to apply to is important because of two primary reasons.

First, it allows you to see the micro-scholarships each school offers. You can then plan how and when you will meet the requirements for each micro-scholarship.

Second, all universities and colleges on RaiseMe have earning deadlines, when all senior high school students' portfolios are submitted to the schools. You must follow a college by their earning deadline to be eligible for its micro-scholarships.

4. Ask CTX for help.

If you have any questions about Concordia's RaiseMe program, please contact admissions@concordia.edu. We're happy to help you navigate how to get the most out of the RaiseMe program.

5. Apply to Concordia your senior year.

You will receive the micro-scholarships from RaiseMe you earned for Concordia University Texas once you are officially enrolled, so the sooner you apply, the sooner you can enroll.