CTX Blog

New Business and Communication Courses for Fall 2021

February 23, 2021
aerial view of CTX campus

The College of Business & Communication at Concordia University Texas has some exciting courses for you to take this Fall 2021 semester!

Marketing Capstone

The new Marketing Capstone is a 16-week online course that launches Fall 2021 and will serve as the culminating course for all Marketing majors and minors.

Course Description

The capstone integrates all marketing elements into a strategic marketing framework. Students will develop practical knowledge about marketing strategy by planning, formulating and executing strategic marketing campaigns for businesses and brands.

The Marketing Capstone is a hands-on, project-based class that provides you with experience for your resume and allows you to put what you've learned throughout your degree into practice.

Do I have to take the Marketing Capstone?

Beginning in the Fall 2021 semester, the Marketing Capstone is required for all on-campus and online Marketing majors and minors.

Does This Requirement Apply to Current Students?

Students on previous degree plans (before Fall 2021) can substitute another class to fulfill the new Marketing Capstone requirement.

However, we highly encourage current students to take advantage of this unique learning experience. Contact your student academic planner to learn more.

Topics in Communication

The topic for the Fall 2021 Topics in Communication course is "Communication in an Age of Division."

What makes this course so unique is that the topic changes every semester. In other words, when you take Topics in Communication, you study the most relevant subject in the field.

For the Fall 2021 semester, the 16-week course will be held on campus every Tuesday and Thursday, from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Course Description

Fifteen years into the social media revolution, are we experiencing more bonding or breaking with this forum of communication that promised to connect people to ideas and to one another? While advances in media and technology have allowed us to build unfathomable opportunities, they have also laid the foundation for dangerous echo chambers capable of spreading misinformation, decontextualized memes, uncivil discourse and violence.

Through Topics in Communication: Communication in an Age of Division, students explore the root causes of the current polarized communication landscape, examine its effects on social institutions and interpersonal relationships, and use communication literature to identify ways to communicate unity amidst division and to bridge deepening social, cultural and political divides.

You will explore the topic from multiple perspectives, drawing on scholarship from fields such as philosophy of communication, media criticism and literacy, social media, cybernetics, psychology, interpersonal communication, semantics and advocacy.

Do I have to take Topics in Communication?

The Topics in Communication course is required for all students, on campus and online, majoring in Communication.

To learn more about adding the courses to your degree plan, please contact your Concordia University Texas student academic planner.