CTX Blog

Mister Twister 2019

April 08, 2019
Mr. Twister 2019

Mister Twister 2019 is quickly approaching and you don’t want to miss it. Watch CTX men entertain the crowd with talent, laughs and more in their pursuit of the Mister Twister Crown.

A Concordia tradition, Mister Twister is a manly pageant of sorts where a group of CTX men compete in various events like the talent show and the catwalk. By the end of the night, a victor is crowned.

Why should you attend?

  • Enjoy a night full of laughs
  • See hidden talents Mister Twister contestants have
  • There’s an actual crowning ceremony with a real crown
  • Cheer on your favorite contestant

Meet the contestants

  • Markell Irvin is a junior majoring in communications with hopes to be in sports broadcasting and marketing. He’s the president of the Black Student Union, a service learning leader and an intramurals referee.
  • Timothy Kalundo is a freshman majoring in biology. He’s involved with life groups and the CTX Missions Club.
  • John Loren is a junior in the DCE program. He participates in intramurals, playing and serving as referee, and he’s super involved with the refuge.
  • Josh Macintosh is a junior majoring in religious education with hopes to become a youth group leaders to impact the lives of children and young adults. He’s involved with The Refuge, CTX intramurals and chapel.
  • Jonathan Marble is a sophomore majoring in kinesiology with a concentration in physical therapy. He’s involved with the Latino Student Association and is an RA at the CTX dorms.
  • Drew Marshall is a sophomore in the pre-nursing program with hopes to become a flight nurse. He plays intramural softball and was in the U.S. Marines for seven years.
  • Tyler Ortega is a freshman majoring in computer science and theater. He’s super involved with all activities hosted by Student Activities and has been in all the theater performances this year.
  • Steven Rubeck is a junior majoring in criminal justice with hopes to go into DPS. He’s on the track team, plays intramurals and is a supervisor at the Concordia Bookstore.

Join the fun on Monday, April 15, at 7 p.m. in the Black Box Theater. Check out the CTX Student Life Instagram page for more information.