CTX Blog

Meet Entrepreneurship Capstone Instructor Kristin Spindler

November 06, 2020
Kristin Spindler

[Author: Kristin Spindler]

In the Spring 2021 semester, Concordia University Texas will launch the Entrepreneurship Capstone, an experiential course that immerses students in the businesses of entrepreneurship and raising capital. The course will be taught by Kristin Spindler, who is both a faculty member in the College of Business and Communication and the director of IncubatorCTX, an incubator for startup businesses on campus.

About Kristin Spindler

Spindler brings a wealth of practical and classical knowledge to the classroom from her 20+ years in business as well as working with early-stage companies, judging various pitch contests and as a startup investor.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn” sums up her educational philosophy — one attributed to American entrepreneur, inventor and statesman Ben Franklin as well as to Chinese philosopher Confucius.

In addition to teaching, Spindler is a former board member of the Central Texas Angel Network (CTAN) and an active investor and member. She has a keen interest in educational and humanitarian causes, particularly those that help female and minority entrepreneurs.

Prior to coming to Concordia, Spindler was a vice president and credit officer at Citigroup, New York. She then built her own real estate development company from a startup into a multi-million dollar business. Now, Spindler blends her financial expertise and project management skills while leveraging her international banking and entrepreneurship background to help emerging businesses.

Spindler holds a Bachelor of Arts from Duke University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Texas at Austin. She is currently pursuing her doctorate at the University of Texas at Austin, focusing her research on entrepreneurship education. Other courses she teaches include BADM4312 Strategic Management, BADM3361 Money, Banking & Credit and LDR4101 Leadership Capstone.

Concordia College of Business & Communication

The Entrepreneurship Capstone is open to all undergraduate students who are taking or have completed Finance (BADM 3360) or an equivalent course and is ideal for students earning a Bachelor of Business Administration.

Students who take the course will develop experience being an entrepreneur, including making pitches and analyzing entrepreneurial ventures, before graduating. They will also actively learn from industry and entrepreneurial leaders through the IncubatorCTX Speaker Series, a free event that brings leaders on campus to share their insights.