CTX Blog

MEd Alumna Becomes Published Author

August 14, 2019
Annette Parkhurst

Annette Parkhurst graduated from Concordia University Texas with her MEd in 2007. She is now the newly published author of a children’s book.

Learn more about her journey into teaching and her new book.

Becoming a Teacher

After attending CTX in the 1970s for two years, Parkhurst graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a bachelor’s degree in education, but she didn’t want to become a teacher.

She moved to Washington, D.C., where she worked in various roles and had many wonderful experiences. While working for the National Association of Evangelicals, she had the opportunity to meet Rev. Dr. Billy Graham.

After moving back to Texas, her strong faith in God led her to finally pursue her calling to become a teacher. “I went into teaching kicking and screaming,” she said.

Beginning as a long-term substitute teacher at Vista Ridge High School, Parkhurst’s students encouraged her to get her certification to become a full-time teacher. She applied to CTX and once accepted, she told her class that she was pursuing her Master of Education (MEd) to become a fully certified teacher. They responded to her news by giving her a standing ovation.

Master of Education (MEd) at CTX

Parkhurst chose to earn her MEd from CTX because she wanted a personalized learning experience and the ability to interact directly with her professors. “Concordia fosters an environment in which students can develop relationships with professors,” she said.

Parkhurst made the drive every week to the former downtown campus to earn her degree. “The professors are very inspiring,” she explained. “They inspire you to push beyond.” In 2007, she graduated with a 4.0.

Becoming a Published Author

The Legend of Theodore E. Bear is a children’s story about God working with Teddy, a 500-year-old teddy bear, to create a new teddy bear for children.

Inspired by Proverbs 8:30-31, the book answers the question about the loving nature and character of God. Though God can do anything, He chooses to involve us in His work and delights in us working with Him.

The book is great for both children and parents, and it opens the discussion between parents and children of Who God is. “Everyone who reads it,” Parkhurst explained, “gets something different from it.”

We congratulate Annette on all of her achievements! The Legend of Theodore E. Bear is available on all online bookstores in the U.S., U.K., Canada and Australia.

How are you taking the world by storm? Share your story with us at alumni@concordia.edu.