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Life-Changing Education: Business & Communication

May 21, 2020
students in classroom

The Concordia University Texas College of Business & Communication (COBC) offers four undergraduate degrees. You can customize each degree to meet your needs.

The life-changing education you receive from CTX will prepare you to become an impactful leader and an effective communicator.

Concordia's Business & Communication Programs Have a Lot to Offer

The COBC offers students access to valuable networking opportunities with business and community leaders through presentations, real-world projects and more. You'll also gain unprecedented access to IncubatorCTX, the on-campus entrepreneurial hub that helps startups and early-stage businesses grow.

The COBC professors have extensive experience in their fields, bringing valuable insight into the classroom. Our small class sizes allow you to interact one-on-one with your professors and engage in class discussions, making each class more meaningful.

Applied Business

Our business is to help you succeed in your business. The Bachelor of Applied Arts & Sciences (BAAS) in Applied Business is designed for working adults looking to advance within their careers and develop a broader understanding of how to lead and manage your business and team more effectively.

You'll take classes with other professionals, and you will be able to put what you learn into practice immediately. As part of the Adult Learner program at CTX, you can earn your BAAS in the way that's most convenient for you.

Business Administration

Earn a high ROI with the premier Business program at Concordia University Texas.

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) prepares students for success in multiple careers and industries. As you develop a comprehensive understanding of the many aspects of business, you will dive deeper into a specific area through one of four concentrations: Accounting & Financial Management, Global Healthcare Policy & Management, Human Resources & Management, or Marketing.

Additionally, BBA students have the option to add a micro-concentration in Communication, Entrepreneurship, Finance or International Business. Requiring just three additional upper-level courses, micro-concentrations appear on transcripts and allow you to further customize your business degree.


The Bachelor of Arts in Communication helps students prepare for exciting careers through hands-on learning, speech contests, on-campus PR projects and more.

Concentrate in Interpersonal Communications to prepare for helping others communicate with one another. Opt for the Public Relations & Advertising concentration to learn how to craft messaging and build the brand of different entities. Or, delve into the world of graphic design and videography with a concentration in Visual Communication.

Global Public Health

*program no longer active

Learn the art and science of preventing disease and promoting population health through the Bachelor of Arts in Global Public Health program at CTX. Make a difference in the healthcare sector through business and policy.

Choose one of six concentrations that will best prepare you for your career path: Behavioral Sciences, Environmental Science, Healthcare Administration, Kinesiology, Natural Science or Social Science.

MBA 4+1 Program

Save time and money on the Concordia MBA through the Master of Business Administration (MBA) 4+1 program.

You can take up to 12 MBA credits while earning your undergraduate degree. Students who take all 12 credits as undergraduates can complete the Concordia MBA in just one additional year.

Ready to start your life-changing adventure at Concordia University Texas? Apply today!