CTX Blog

Life-Changing Education: School of Natural & Applied Sciences

August 31, 2020
instructor in CTX classroom

The School of Natural & Applied Sciences at Concordia University Texas offers a range of programs, from biology to mathematics, that will prepare you for meaningful work in the field of science.

You will enjoy a small learning environment where you can interact directly with professors, participate in hands-on class projects and develop personal skills, such as leadership and communication.

Through the life-changing education you receive at CTX, you will be prepared for meaningful work.


Become a powerhouse in the field of biology! Concordia has fully equipped labs and experienced professors who will work with you individually.

The University's 250-acre nature preserve on campus doubles as a living classroom.


Have your ion a career in chemistry? The Chemistry program at CTX helps students stand apart. You will acquire a wide breadth of knowledge through the University's liberal arts foundation, and you will develop a deep understanding of chemistry through fascinating courses with hands-on work.

Computer Science

The Computer Science program at Concordia is unique because it emphasizes the development of a skill that's in high demand — communication.

While learning all of the technical knowledge you need to know through an interdisciplinary approach, you will also develop your ability to communicate effectively with others, think critically and work well in a team. These attributes will help you stand out and succeed as a computer science professional.

You can earn either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or a Bachelor of Science (BS). If you earn a BS, you can add the optional concentration, Data Science.

Environmental Science & Conservation

Looking for the right learning environment? Concordia is ideal for Environmental Science & Conservation students because the University has a federally protected 250-acre preserve. You can take part in preserving nature and wildlife without having to leave campus!


Want a degree that counts? Concordia offers a bachelor's degree in Mathematics. You'll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to solve complex problems and analyze data, both of which are extremely important for all industries.

Ready to start your life-changing adventure at Concordia University Texas? Apply today!