CTX Blog

Homecoming & Family Weekend Virtual Events

October 16, 2020
Homecoming Weekend, Oct 23-25

The Concordia University Texas Homecoming & Family Weekend takes place Friday, October 23, through Sunday, October 25. We want the entire CTX community to be able to participate, so we've combined in-person events with virtual components. Whether you join us on campus or online, we're excited to see you!

The weekend is packed full of fun events that you can participate in virtually.

Friday, October 23

Campus Worship

Join the CTX community as we worship God and thank Him for all of His blessings. Chapel will be livestreamed so that you can join us remotely.

Pluckers Trivia

Do you know when Concordia was founded? What's the name of one of the endangered songbirds in the on-campus preserve?

It's time to brush up on your CTX trivia!

A trivia host from Pluckers will come to campus to host a CTX round of trivia. You can participate in an online team, so gather your family and friends to compete. The winning team will receive gift cards to Pluckers.

Saturday, October 24

Walk & Woosh

Walk & Woosh is an event that supports two causes: the CTX Emergency Fund, which supports CTX students in need due to COVID-19, and building the University's 14th well through our partnership with Water to Thrive.

Complete the 2.6-mile journey in your neighborhood, and then send us a picture of you doing your best Walk & Woosh!

When registering, choose "Walk & Woosh - Virtually" and/or "Walk & Woosh - CTX Student (Virtually)." The registration fee allows you to participate and gets you an event t-shirt.

Virtual Alumni Mixer

All CTX alumni are invited to join us online for the Virtual Alumni Mixer. You can connect with fellow alumni while learning how to make simple drinks with everyday ingredients.

Sunday, October 25

Concordia Sunday

As we began the weekend worshipping God together, we will conclude the weekend the same way. Concordia will stream a worship service from Messiah Lutheran Church, located in Plano, Texas.