CTX Blog

Debunking the Top 6 Myths About Registering for Courses

December 11, 2020
Academic Planning Team

[Written by Laura Arldt, Student Academic Planner for the College of Business & Communication]

Every student at Concordia University Texas receives individualized help with course registration from a team of student academic planners and faculty advisors. Registering for courses is important because it impacts which courses you take, when you take the courses and when you can complete your degree.

In this post, we debunk some of the most common myths about registering for courses.

Myth 1: I can't register because I'm not sure yet if I'm returning next semester.

Even if you're not sure you will return to CTX next semester, go ahead and register for classes when registration opens.

If you do stay at CTX, this ensures you will have a good schedule in place, and you won't be stuck with a class you don't want to take at a time you don't want to wake up.

Myth 2: I have a hold, so I can't register.

This is a partial myth. While it's true that any holds on your account generally prevent you from registering for classes, you should still reach out to Student Central to see if there's a way to resolve the hold or suspend it temporarily to allow you to register.

Concordia places accounts on hold for unfulfilled obligations to Concordia, such as tuition.

Myth 3: I don't have my final grades yet for this semester, so I can't register for next semester yet.

Even if you aren't doing well academically this semester, you CAN go ahead and register for next semester.

Any issues regarding your academic standing after the current semester ends can still be addressed before the next semester starts.

Myth 4: I can't register for next semester because this semester isn't over yet.

It's important to plan ahead. Registration for the upcoming semester usually opens three to four months before the semester start date.

Myth 5: I have plenty of time; there's no rush.

Concordia reviews course enrollment early on, and if there aren't enough students in a class, it might be canceled. Plus, some classes can fill up quickly, so the sooner you register, the better off you will be.

Myth 6: I can't find my needed courses on the schedule, so there's nothing for me to take.

If you have experienced this, please contact your academic planner!

Students can sometimes take other courses as substitutions or satisfy the requirements through other means, so this is where your academic planner can be really helpful!

Do you have more questions about registering for courses at Concordia University Texas? Contact your student academic planner today!