CTX Blog

CTX Updates from the Provost

July 15, 2020

Dear CTX students and families,

I hope this email finds you and your families safe and healthy. We are looking forward to the first day of fall classes on August 24th! As the summer progresses, we continue to monitor local, state, and federal health guidelines in preparation for the fall term.

As we prepare, we are committed to the safety of our students. Please view the video below to hear from our Vice President of Administration, Dan Gregory, who outlines the changes we are making to the operation of the physical environment to promote a safe and healthy return to face-to-face instruction. It includes information related to sanitation practices, classroom arrangements, dining protocols and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Fall 2020 Operations (Dan Gregory)

We will keep you updated throughout the summer, but if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Student Central at studentcentral@concordia.edu.


Dr. Kristi Kirk
Provost & Executive Vice President