CTX Blog

CTX Response as Texas Lifts Mask Mandate

March 04, 2021

Dear CTX Community,

On Tuesday, March 2, Governor Greg Abbott issued an Executive Order (GA-34), lifting the mask mandate in Texas and increasing the capacity of all businesses and facilities in the state to 100 percent. The order will go into effect on Wednesday, March 10. After careful consideration, our leadership team decided to continue with all safety procedures currently in place for our campus community throughout the rest of the Spring 2021 semester, including requiring masks, social distancing, and maintaining 50 percent capacity in shared spaces. In short, all university operations will continue as they have been this semester.

We are continuing to look ahead to the Fall semester and will update the campus community about plans for Fall 2021 no later than May 1.

Thank you for all of the ways you continue to care for yourself and others in our community. Please continue to be diligent in your efforts to contain the spread of COVID: socially distance, stay home when feeling sick, cover your coughs, wash your hands frequently, and wear a mask.

If you have questions, we encourage you to join us at the Student Town Hall meeting tomorrow afternoon. Additional event details are below.

SGLA Town Hall Meeting

Friday, March 5
1:00 p.m. on Facebook Live @ConcordiaTX

Jennielle Strother
VP of Student Development & Enrollment Management