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MPH, Academics-Health

Concordia University Texas Launches New Master of Public Health Program

March 27, 2020
Austin TX skyline

Beginning in the Fall 2020 semester, Concordia University Texas will launch its first-ever Master of Public Health (MPH) degree program.

The Concordia University Texas MPH will equip you with the knowledge and skills to improve population health in your community, across the nation and around the world!

What Is Public Health?

Public health is an interdisciplinary field that examines the art and science of disease prevention and health promotion. It draws expertise from a variety of professions such as nursing, business administration, law, political science, criminal justice, environmental sciences, social work and more.

Why Public Health?

Public health is a wonderful way to serve others. As health needs continue to escalate in America and other parts of the world, the demand for highly trained public health professionals continues to grow. There are increasing job opportunities in a variety of sectors that all serve our nation’s health.

Why Choose to Pursue an MPH?

An MPH promotes community awareness on many issues, such as violence prevention, reduction of injuries, homelessness, obesity prevention, and prevention of infectious diseases, including global pandemics like the Coronavirus.

If you care about people and social justice, are seeking a stable job with travel opportunities, and more than anything else, want to make a difference in your community, then the Concordia MPH is the program for you!

Advance Your Career & Access Leadership Roles

The Concordia University Texas MPH program is unique and is ideal for anyone with a bachelor's degree who's interested in entering or advancing within the field. A master's degree grants you access to more opportunities for advancement (including pay) and leadership.

"The marketplace for professionals in public health is very competitive, and a master's degree is a strong asset to have," program director Dr. Glendene Lemard-Marlow said. "Concordia University Texas is very attentive to students' needs, career goals and professional development. By fostering meaningful work inside and outside the classroom, including with local and international partnerships, we help our MPH graduates stand out."

Why Choose the Concordia University Texas MPH?

Through Concordia's MPH program, you'll be ready for the exciting field of public health:

  • 16-month online degree
  • No GRE or public health experience required
  • Global outlook
  • Interdisciplinary content tailored to your personal and professional goals
  • Comprehensive education and mentoring from experienced faculty with diverse professional backgrounds
  • Valuable hands-on and networking opportunities at local, state, national and global levels
  • Up-to-date, dynamic and tailored curriculum that equip our graduates with the following foundational MPH competencies:
    • Evidence-based approaches to public health
    • Public health and healthcare systems
    • Planning and management to promote health
    • Policy in public health
    • Leadership
    • Communication
    • Interprofessional practice
    • Systems thinking

The Concordia University Texas MPH is rooted in the principles of human rights and social justice. You will be equipped to improve population health at all levels including, policymaking, management, community action, advocacy, health education and more.

Think Global, Act Local

This is the heart of the Concordia MPH. You will learn to think about public health on a global scale and gain the skills to leverage that knowledge into action in local communities and other countries.

Students are integrated into ongoing programs and projects with organizations that operate locally, nationally and globally. The Concordia University Texas MPH program is faith-centered and student-friendly, with caring and compassionate faculty who will prepare you for a career of meaningful, rewarding and life-changing work.

Learn more about the Concordia University Texas Master of Public Health program. *program no longer active