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Cue the Music: Concordia's Getting a Band!

August 21, 2018
Michael Staub

Have you heard? Well, soon you will hear...music that is! Concordia University Texas is now adding band to a list of other activities Tornados can participate in.

“This first semester, we are hoping for an ensemble of 20 starting off,” Michael Staub, Director of Instrumental Music & Music Education, said.

Staub, a 2002 Concordia University Nebraska Music graduate hasn't been on campus for long, but he is already halfway to his goal. He imagines he will have no trouble encouraging 10 more students to join when they return to campus for the fall semester.

"I think there are a lot of musicians right here on campus," he said.

This year, Staub will focus on growing and balancing the ensemble, as well as promoting the new Music Education program.

“I also plan to spend a lot of time recruiting, reaching out to local middle schools and high schools to let them know that Concordia has a band now, and that we now have a Music Education program."

He hopes to get Concordia on their minds at a young age, by showing them just how dedicated the university is to passion, purpose and music.

An instrumental ensemble called the Concordia Symphonic Winds is in the works, as well as a band called Purple Tornado Pep Band, whose purpose will be enhancing the spirit at Tornado athletic events.

"If someone is interested in playing, even if they never have before, I encourage them to try," Staub said. “I'm excited to bring people together from various departments that might not otherwise interact outside of their disciplines, and get them to socialize together."

As someone who has always dreamed of becoming a college band director, Staub is eager to be a part of Concordia history.

“It’s a great opportunity to build a program, there aren’t a lot of chances to do this at the collegiate level because most of them are established,” he said. “I’m looking forward to the challenge of doing this.”

Staub has a wife, Clare, and three daughters: Elizabeth, Mary and Christina. He is currently working on his dissertation on teachers encouraging musical participation beyond high school.

Learn more about Concordia's Music Program!