CTX Blog

CTX 101: What Is a Woosh?

November 18, 2020
Vortex on CTX campus

Hello, it's me — VorTex! I'm the official mascot of Concordia University Texas. I touched down at Concordia's historic downtown campus in 1995 and have been here ever since. I love supporting our CTX students!

If you're on campus for any amount of time, you will likely hear people saying "woosh" while spinning their pointer finger in the air. As part of the CTX community, it's important for you to learn how to woosh.

What Is a Woosh?

"Woosh!" is Concordia's official spirit slogan. It's how we show our support of the CTX community and encourage one another as we learn and grow.

How to Woosh

Wooshing is very simple. All it takes is your pointer finger and CTX spirit!

  1. Stick your pointer finger up.
  2. Rotate your entire hand counter-clockwise in the air to resemble a tornado.
  3. While making a tornado with your hand, shout, "woosh!"

Where to Woosh

You can woosh anywhere!

Concordia has 15 DIII athletics teams, giving you ample opportunity at games to show your support for the Concordia Tornados with a woosh.

Tests are challenging, so when you're done and your classmates finish, offer a hearty woosh in celebration.

When you see a friend in the hallway, give them a woosh to say hello.

Dr. Woosh wrote a poem to celebrate Concordia's wooshing!

One Woosh, Two Woosh, Many Woosh, Few Woosh

From Building A to Tornado Field,

from Tornado Field to Building A,

wooshing opportunities

are here every day.

One woosh,

two woosh,

many woosh,

few woosh.

Chapel, finals, basketball,

spring, summer and the fall.

Hey! You can woosh for them all!

Yes, some are quiet. And some are loud.

Wooshing shows that you're CTX proud.

Some are freshmen. And some are grads.

All are very, very glad.

Why are they

so very, very glad?

I know why.

It's the celebration they had.

Some are adult learners. And some have transferred in.

With everyone together, let the wooshing begin.

From Building A to Tornado Field,

from Tornado Field to Building A,

wooshing opportunities

are here every day.