CTX Blog

CTX 101: Concordia’s Core Value

October 16, 2019
Concordia Entrance Sign

Concordia University Texas has six core values that drive everything the University does. Core values are important because they help you understand what Concordia is about, and it holds us all, from students and alumni to faculty and staff, accountable to live out these values.


The first and most important core value is to be Christ-centered. Concordia is a place where Christ is honored and all are welcome.

How do we live this out?

  • I learn about Christ, Who shapes my identity and impacts my core values.
  • I talk about Christ and seek to reflect Him in my daily work and life.

Everything we do, including the other core values, flows from being Christ-centered. Our daily chapel service at 10 a.m., our frequent prayers in the classroom and our curriculum rooted in the Christian worldview are examples of how we implement this value.

Caring for People

All people have inherent value because they are created by God.

How do we live this out?

  • I intentionally express gratitude.
  • I remove roadblocks to enable the success of others.


God calls us to serve the neighbor through our vocation. The word vocation means that you are called by God to different spheres of influence, oftentimes simultaneously, in which you are to serve others. While you may be an accountant, you may also be a son or daughter, a sibling, a parent and more, all at the same time.

How do we live this out?

  • I give people opportunities to explore and use their gifts and talents.
  • I assist others in their roles instead of saying or acting like “it’s not my job.”

Lifelong Learning

When you graduate from CTX, learning doesn’t stop. We should be on an ongoing quest for knowledge and wisdom because it’s how we grow and become better.

How do we live this out?

  • I accept challenges.
  • I continue to grow as a professional.


Courage is the ability and willingness to act boldly and rightly. Concordia expects this not only of the students and alumni but also of the faculty and staff.

How do we live this out?

  • I go to the source and talk it out.
  • I make myself accountable to others and hold others accountable.


Relationships work well only if they’re built on trust. Members of the CTX community hold a mutual belief in good intention, honesty and reliability.

How do we live this out?

  • I trust that people from across the University are doing their best.
  • I follow through with what I say I am going to do.

View our mission and vision statements to see how they align with our core values.