CTX Blog

Concordia's Virtual Academic Support Services for Students

April 08, 2020
laptop, books, notebooks on desk

[This information is drawn from the Office of the Provost.]

At Concordia University Texas, caring for our students is our top priority. Although these unforeseen circumstances have changed the way we do so, it doesn't change our commitment to supporting you. Concordia's Academic Support Services are still available to help you succeed in your courses.


There are two options available to CTX students for free online tutoring.

Peer Tutoring

You can still schedule virtual tutoring sessions with your peer tutor(s). Visit the Find a Peer Tutor page to find the name and contact information of your tutor(s).


Every CTX student has eight hours of free tutoring through tutor.com each semester. You can access tutor.com through your Blackboard course page:

  1. Log into Blackboard and click the Tutor.com link in the left column of the course page.
  2. Select the topic and subject, and then type in your questions.
  3. Get a tutor.

Learn more about accessing your free time with tutor.com.

Math Center

All tutoring has moved online. You still have the option to meet virtually with Dr. Jennifer Proft. Make sure to have your questions ready.

To schedule a tutoring session, please email Jennifer.Proft@concordia.edu.

Speaking Center

The Speaking Center, which offers students free communication resources, is open for virtual appointments. If you need coaching for any form of oral communication, this is the place to go.

Sign up for an appointment with the Speaking Center.

Writing Center

The Writing Center will help you with anything concerning writing, from proper punctuation and citations to proofreading papers.

Schedule an appointment with the Writing Center for help. Please note that you may not submit papers to the Writing Center email account without first making an appointment.

Online Workshops

Online learning may be completely new to some CTX students. Innovative Educators has a variety of workshops that provide tips for online learning, and they've made them available to students for free.

First, please watch the instructional video. Once you've watched the video, you're ready to create your account and access the free workshops.

This is unchartered territory for everyone, and Concordia University Texas is committed to supporting you through these changes.