You're Invited to Concordia's End-of-Year Celebration

Concordia University Texas invites all CTX students, faculty, staff and their families to join us for the End-of-Year Celebration!
Co-hosted by Gen1 Program (the University's first-generation student program) and Concordia's career center, Vocation & Professional Development (VPD), the free event occurs on Friday, April 9, from 2 to 4 p.m.
You can join us in person at Luther Park or online.
Let's Celebrate!
Everyone has experienced the added stresses and issues that the pandemic has produced, but now is the time to celebrate successfully completing the 2020-2021 academic year!
The End-of-Year Celebration will feature free carnival food, fun games, a DJ and a special message from Jennielle Strother, Concordia's vice president of Enrollment Management.
Many student organizations and departments will have booths at the event, including VPD.
Drop by VPD's booth for fun games that will help you prepare for an internship or your first job. In the what-not-to-wear game, professors will be dressed for an interview, and students have to find the one thing about each professor's outfit that is wrong.
Have you heard of the pie-in-the-face game? We have our own version at CTX: the professor pie-in-the-face game! You have the chance to introduce CTX professors to a pie tin full of whipped cream.
Plus, Gen1 (Concordia's first-generation student program) and VPD have sponsored some incredible giveaways! You can enter the raffle for a chance to win awesome prizes.
Virtual Option
Students can attend the event in person, or they can attend virtually. At 2:30 p.m., you can join us online for a live takeover of the event.
Can I bring my family?
Yes, students, faculty and staff are welcome to their families to the celebration.
Do I have to pay for anything, like food or raffle tickets?
Everything at the End-of-Year Celebration is free. All you have to bring is yourself!
What about COVID?
CTX requires everyone on campus to wear masks, and we continue to observe social distancing
protocols. There will also be hand-sanitizing stations available.
Where is Luther Park?
Luther Park is located next to the Welcome Center (Building A that houses the Chapel).