CTX Blog

Commencement 2020 Update

June 26, 2020

Update on Commencement 2020 planned for August

Dear Graduates:

It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing the cancelation of our August commencement ceremony. Current city and county guidelines are limiting large group gatherings and while we had high hopes that the group gathering guidelines would be lifted by August, we are not optimistic.

In April, we made the decision to delay commencement to August 1st, expecting that the pandemic crisis would subside and we would be able to host a celebration for our graduates. As weeks rolled by we realized that a ‘normal’ commencement would not be possible, and we began planning a low-density ceremony where we would have to limit guests to two per student, require assigned seating for guests and graduates, and have an abbreviated touchless ceremony. This is certainly not the ceremony we envisioned and worried about such limited guests. The low-density ceremony would be a huge adjustment for our students, especially since we have never limited guests at our commencement ceremonies. In an effort to seek feedback from our students, we sent a survey to all of you outlining two options: limited guest ceremony or wait until December. We had 90 responses to the survey and the results were completely split. Exactly 44 voted for a limited guest ceremony and 46 voted for waiting until December. The feedback was clear that our students value sharing their success with their family and support network.

Hearing their feedback, we began to look into the possibility of an outdoor ceremony, hosted here at CTX or elsewhere. After weighing out all of our options, we ultimately determined that it would not be a viable option for CTX, mainly because we would not be able to increase the guest count and the August heat would impact the student experience. We have looked at other outdoor venues, but they are either cost prohibitive or not available. Many venues are hesitant to commit to events at this time.

The student survey provided us with feedback about your desire for some sort of celebration or photo opportunity. So, I am excited to share that we are going to schedule a drive-in photo opportunity. We invite you to sign up for a 15 minute time slot on July 31 and August 1 to bring as many family and friends as you desire to the chapel. You will walk across our stage and receive a certificate (diplomas have already been mailed) from Dr. Christian, while a photographer will capture the moment and send the picture to you. While it is not the ideal scenario, I am excited to offer you the opportunity to celebrate your achievement with your families, on the campus you have contributed so much to for so many years. Please complete this form to sign up. The form will also be available on our website.

We are also committed to honoring our Nursing graduates as part of our Nursing Convocation celebration which will be held virtually on Friday, July 31st at 11am CST.

We invite all graduates to return for our December or May commencement ceremonies. You will need to register by filling out this form, which will also be available on our website.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Lerla Davis

Director of Student Registration and Records