CTX Blog

Celebrate Concordia & Impact Students

February 18, 2020
Celebrate Concordia event on March 7, 2020, 6 pm

Celebrate Concordia is one of the most important events during Concordia Crossing, our annual homecoming weekend. You're invited to join us!

Purchase your tickets for Celebrate Concordia before February 22 for early-bird pricing.

Celebrate Concordia is our annual fundraising event that supports the University's ability to provide more students with the opportunity to experience the adventure of faith, learning and life-changing experiences at Concordia, which will prepare them for meaningful work.

The Concordia Fund

All donations raised go directly to The Concordia Fund, which supports students, faculty and staff, classroom and technology enhancements, and so much more.

Did you know that 85 percent of CTX students depend on financial aid and scholarships? Discover how The Concordia Fund has impacted these three CTX students.

Krista Gehlhausen

Krista Gehlhausen

Krista Gehlhausen is a Political Science major who chose Concordia for the small environment and its proximity to the Capitol. Currently serving as president of the student body, Gehlhausen has also served as president of the CTX Alive program, a peer tutor and a Service-Learning Leader.

"The unique experience Concordia offers is priceless," Gehlhausen explained. "I have direct access to my professors and the opportunity to build relationships with them, which makes my education much more meaningful."

Markell Irvin

Markell Irvin

Markell Irvin is a Communications major who has also been impacted by the generosity of donors. Through the scholarships he has received, Markell has been able to focus on pursuing his degree without having to worry about added financial stress.

While he is still working his way through college, the extra assistance allows him to be involved on campus by serving as president of the Black Student Union and as a Service-Learning Leader.

"By investing in us, you are shaping our future, and in return, we will do great things," Irvin said.

Annette Mata

Annette Mata

Annette Mata is a Global Public Health and Communications major, and her Concordia experience has impacted her life more than she could have ever imagined.

Not growing up in a Christian home, Concordia's Christ-centered campus was something new to her. But it quickly became a way of life, and she became passionate about growing in her relationship with Christ. She appreciates the encouragement from professors and colleagues to love Jesus and to experience all He has for her life.

Mata is actively involved at CTX, serving as a resident assistant, a sound tech for the Refuge (Concordia's student-led worship) and an intern with Vocation & Professional Development.

"I have a sense of guidance for my life now because of the foundation that Concordia has provided for me," Mata explained.

Join us as we celebrate the people and students who help make Concordia the wonderful University it is.