CTX Blog

In Tune with Concordia’s April Musical Performances

April 01, 2019
Concordia Musical Performances

You have the chance to see our talented Concordia musicians perform throughout April. Mark your calendars for these upcoming events where you’ll enjoy great music.

April 3

Come to the Black Box Theater on Wednesday, April 3 at 7 p.m. for Concordia’s Percussion Ensemble spring concert. Hear music ranging from traditional drum cadences and solo and ensemble percussion music to arrangements of folk music from many cultures and more. This is always an interesting and enjoyable concert.

April 5

Join us Friday afternoon on April 5 at 3 p.m. in the Chapel for a guitar duo recital led by Dr. Chad Ibison and Concordia faculty member Dr. Janet Grohovac. Let this masterclass performance serenade you into the weekend.

April 7

Bring your family to the Chapel on Sunday afternoon, April 7, to enjoy the spring concert for the Concordia Symphonic Winds. This “pops” concert mainly consists of movie themes (Frozen, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, the Avengers, and more), making it an event everyone in the family will enjoy.

April 14

Concordia’s Spring Masterworks concert will be held at 3 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, April 14, at Hope Presbyterian Church in North Austin. Attendees have the privilege to hear three masterworks. Johannes Brahms’s emotional and dramatic Ein deutsches Requiem will be the centerpiece of the performance.

The work is a distinctly human response to death, with texts from Scripture instead of the traditional Requiem texts, filled with hope of comfort for those who mourn, rest for those who have died in Christ, and eternal joy.

The musicians will also perform Brahms’s Schicksalslied and Haydn’s joyous Te Deum in C. The concert is free and open to the public.

April 16 & 17

Concordia’s end-of-the-year, non-major recitals will occur on April 16 and 17, a Tuesday and Wednesday. Check the programs that will be posted in Building B for a list of performances.

We hope you will join us at one of the events to see the talent Concordia’s musicians have. For more information, contact joshua.chai@concordia.edu.