CTX Blog

Announcements for Fall 2020

April 30, 2020

Dear CTX students:

Congratulations on finishing your Spring semester, under very trying circumstances. The CTX community has been praying for you and cheering for you in these uncertain times and we will continue to do so, knowing that continuing your education amidst such uncertainty is a courageous decision.

As the Spring semester has wrapped up and plans for Summer are well underway, many of you are wondering about the Fall semester. It is our intention that we will return to normal operations in the Fall, including face to face and hybrid classes, residential living, and all on campus activities.

However, as is true for all of us, we continue to monitor local, state and federal health guidelines. While we have full expectations to return to normal operations in the Fall, we are also making every effort to look at all of the “what if” scenarios and make the decisions that continue to ensure that we bring you high quality, Christian education in a safe and welcoming environment. We will continue to evaluate and make decisions about things such as:

  • What if we need to adjust our class schedules to have fewer people in classrooms and/or on campus at a time?
  • What if we need to increase our cleaning protocols and equipment to ensure safety of our community?
  • What if we need to alter or cancel large event gatherings?
  • What if we need to make changes to residential living?

As we consider these “what if’s” and so many more, we want you to know that the Concordia leadership will take all necessary steps to ensure your health and safety AND to provide you with the education you have come to expect from CTX. In addition, we will recognize that times are difficult and you and your family might be experiencing unexpected challenges - please reach out to us and let us know what we can do to ensure you have everything you need to return to Concordia in the Fall.

In the meantime, our faculty and staff are ready to assist you with whatever needs and questions you may have over the summer. While not here physically, all of our operations are running and you can reach people by phone or email, as usual. Please continue to refer to our COVID-19 webpage for information about how to reach offices. In addition, through the generosity of our donors and federal aid via the CARES Act, we have set aside some emergency funding for students who are experiencing unexpected financial challenges during these times. In the coming weeks, we will communicate with students about how this funding will be distributed. In the meantime, please visit the COVID-19 resource page for information about resources.

I leave you with some of the words of St. Paul to his friends and community in Rome, written at a time when he could not be with them. He writes in Romans 12:12: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” Your Concordia community continues to pray for you.


Dr. Kristi Kirk
Provost & Executive Vice President