CTX Blog

Concordia's Academic Support Center Ready to Help You Ace Your Classes

January 26, 2021
Zielke Academic Support Center

Concordia University Texas provides all students with comprehensive support, from application to graduation. The Academic Support Center offers CTX students help with all things related to coursework, and the center is still open amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, offering virtual options.

The Academic Support Center, located on the second story of Cedel Hall, consists of four centers: the Success Center, Math Center, Speaking Center and Writing Center. Whatever questions you have, we're here to help!

1. Success Center

The Success Center provides students with a variety of resources.

Free Tutoring

You can find a peer tutor to help you with nearly every subject. This free service is available to all, and you will work with fellow Concordia students who have successfully completed the courses for which they tutor.

Concordia also offers each student 8 hours of free tutoring per semester through tutor.com.

Accessibility Services and Accommodations

We make every effort to provide accommodations for students who have learning disabilities.

Once a student has been verified as eligible for the services, they can request extended deadlines, reduced course loads, access to the Testing Center and more.

Studying Resources

The Success Center offers a collection of helpful links, articles and videos to help you improve your study skills and mastery of subjects.

2. Math Center

Are you searching for support that adds up to success?

The Math Center provides free tutoring sessions with CTX peer tutors.

Whether you're studying algebra or wrapping your head around calculus, our team of peer tutors can help you.

View the Math Center schedule, find the peer tutor who can best support you and schedule a tutoring session with them.

3. Speaking Center

Whether you dread presentations or want to hone your skills, the Speaking Center is a valuable resource.

The newest addition to Concordia's Academic Support Center, this free communication resource is available to all CTX students.

You can access coaching for all forms of oral communication, including public speaking, presentations and interviewing.

4. Writing Center

Overwhelmed with APA citations? Struggling to find the right way to frame your thesis?

The Writing Center helps students at all stages of the writing process, from outlines to final drafts.

Virtual vs. In-Person Options

The following table shows the way each center is currently operating.

Academic Support Center Modalities


Modality (in person or virtual)

Success Center

Math Center

In person or virtual

Speaking Center

Virtual only

Writing Center

Virtual only

View all of the resources of the Concordia University Texas Academic Support Center.