CTX Blog

5 Ways to Serve Others While Social Distancing

May 05, 2020
serving hands

As a Christ-centered university committed to caring for others, Concordia University Texas offers students multiple hands-on service opportunities through the Service-Learning program, Student Ministry & Missions, and more. However, because of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, hands-on service opportunities everywhere are either extremely limited or have stopped altogether.

That's why we've put together a list of ways you can serve others while practicing social distancing. You'll protect those you serve and yourself while continuing to care for others.

1. Pray for Others

Because God is always with us, we can pray to Him at any time in any place. He commands us to bring all of our worries and concerns to Him.

Philippians 4:6–7 (NIV)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Here are some topics to help you get started:

  • God's peace for those experiencing anxiety
  • Opportunities for others to encounter Christ and courage for believers to share the good news
  • Wisdom for those in leadership positions
  • Protection of frontline workers
  • Health of everyone
  • Humility to learn lessons from the experience

2. Buy Someone a Meal

If you go through a drive-thru for food, consider paying for the car behind you. It's a simple way to safely serve a stranger. You can even ask the restaurant's employee to relay a message of encouragement to them. The impact you have on their lives can be monumental. You may even start a chain reaction, leading other drivers in line to do the same for the cars behind them.

Another great option is to have a restaurant deliver food directly to essential workers, such as a local hospital, clinic, grocery store or other organization.

3. Tip Essential Workers

When ordering food from a restaurant, consider adding a tip. The amount doesn't matter nearly as much as the action of showing your appreciation by giving them a tip.

If ordering online or over the phone, make sure to include a tip in your total. You may have to call and ask the restaurant to include a tip if the option is unavailable online.

4. Send Letters of Encouragement

Many people who live in retirement homes, assisted living facilities and other similar places cannot see visitors because of COVID-19. Brighten their day by sending encouraging letters to them.

You can include your favorite Bible verse, a drawing, information about yourself and anything else that will encourage them in this time of isolation.

5. Organize a Parking Lot Celebration

Occurring across the country, parking lot celebrations bring people together in their cars. Everyone flashes their lights and honks their horns during a shift change at a hospital to celebrate and thank frontline healthcare workers. Some people have even made signs to display in their windows..

Find out when shift changes occur at your local hospital. Reach out to the community (via social media, email, phone calls, etc.) to get families to commit to drive to the hospital parking lot and participate in the event.

How are you serving remotely? Share your service stories and pictures with us by emailing adriana.thompson@concordia.edu.