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Student-Life, Culture

Stop Summer Slide: 5 Ways to Keep Learning in the Summer

May 02, 2019
Austin Summer Lake

Finals are done and summer is officially here for Concordia Tornados. Before you go into summer mode, consider these ways to prevent summer slide.

Summer slide, also known as summer slump, refers to the decline in academic skills that can occur over the summer months. By the time you return to school in the fall, it can be extremely difficult to get back into the routine of being a student.

Here are five ways you can keep learning throughout the summer, without having to sit in a classroom.

Summer Job

It may not sound like fun, but a summer job is beneficial in many ways. First, you obtain work experience that you can list on your resume. Second, you keep your mind engaged. Third, you will earn money so you can start helping your parents with the bills and start a savings account.

Use this opportunity to find a job within the industry you plan on entering so you can determine if it’s the career that’s right for you.

Keep a Journal

To be successful in college, you have to have good writing skills. To keep your writing skills tuned, keep a journal of your summer experiences. If you prefer typing, keep an online blog to share with your family and friends.

Find a Good Read

In contrast to the textbooks you have to read in school, find a book about a subject that fascinates you and read through it at your own pace. When you return in the fall, the reading lists won’t seem as intimidating and you will be able to transition more easily into the heavier reading load your classes require.


If you’re blessed with the opportunity to travel, take it. Whether you’re traveling across Texas or the world, you will keep your mind engaged by learning about different cultures and customs. Document your trip on a blog to share with family and friends.

Don’t have the opportunity to travel? Become a tourist right where you are! Visit the museums, landmarks and other popular places where you live.

Learn a New Language

Studies have shown that speaking multiple languages is beneficial to the cognitive process, helping concentration and memory. You can learn a language inspired by your family history or choose a language that will help you in your future career.

We hope these tips will help you keep your mind sharp for the next fall semester, and we wish you a safe and fun summer!

CTX would love to see how you take summer by storm. Share your summer memories with #CTXsocial. Woosh!