CTX Blog

5 Things to Consider About Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Courses

January 11, 2021
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Students at Concordia University Texas embark on a life-changing adventure as they grow personally and professionally. With more than 20 undergraduate majors, four graduate programs, and both synchronous and asynchronous learning, you can learn in the way that's best for you and earn a degree that aligns with your career aspirations.

Here's what you need to know about synchronous and asynchronous learning.

What do these terms mean?

"Synchronous" and "asynchronous" refer to the way you learn in a course.

Synchronous courses require you to attend class at a regular time. It refers to the type of learning where you are in class at the same time with your classmates, and your professor teaches you in person.

Asynchronous courses are more flexible. You can complete the coursework when and where you want, as long as you meet any applicable deadlines throughout the course.

Which Learning Style Is Best for Me?

Each student learns in a unique way, so the right learning style for you is the one through which you learn most effectively.

Consider some of the benefits and drawbacks of each style of learning.

Synchronous Courses


  • Face-to-face engagement with professors and classmates
  • Get questions answered immediately
  • Built-in discipline for completing coursework


  • In-person requirement lacks flexibility
  • Must learn at the pace the professor sets

Asynchronous Courses


  • Flexibility
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Typically have access to all course content


  • Requires self-discipline to complete coursework
  • No face-to-face interactions

5 Things to Consider

Concordia University Texas offers courses in both formats. When deciding whether to take synchronous or asynchronous courses, consider the following questions:

  1. Do you need help staying focused on coursework? If so, synchronous courses offer more accountability, requiring you to meet face-to-face and turn in assignments on the professor's timeline.
  2. Do you need flexibility? If you need courses that are flexible and don't require you to be at a specific place during a particular time, consider asynchronous courses, which allow you to complete coursework when and where you want.
  3. Can you stay on pace with the course? If you prefer to dig deeper into an area of study or find the pace of courses to be too quick, asynchronous courses may be the right option for you because they allow you to learn at your pace.
  4. Do you ask a lot of questions? Synchronous courses offer face-to-face interaction, which is ideal for students who learn best by asking lots of questions. While you can ask questions in asynchronous courses, the in-person interaction of synchronous courses may be a more effective learning environment for you.
  5. Which degree are you pursuing? Some programs at Concordia offer both synchronous and asynchronous learning, while other programs offer one or the other.

To learn more about synchronous and asynchronous learning, speak with your student academic planner.