CTX Blog

5 Reasons Why You Want to Be a Tornado

April 27, 2021
VorTex on CTX campus

[Written by VorTex the Tornado]

Woosh! It's me, VorTex! I'm the official mascot for Concordia University Texas. You may see me spinning around campus during annual events, like Concordia Crossing, and you may even see me cheering at an athletics game.

I take my role as Concordia's mascot very seriously. It's my job to encourage and support the Concordia Tornados on their life-changing adventure here.

I know I may be a bit prejudiced — being a Tornado myself — but there are many reasons why a tornado is the best mascot. Here are the top five!

5. Tornados Are Stronger Than Animals

Many universities are represented by a specific animal that is meant to resemble strength. In fact, there's a large university in Texas (rhymes with "Taylor") with a bear as its mascot.

Don't get me wrong; bears are powerful and scary. But the force of a bear cannot compare to the force of a tornado.

The same goes for the bobcats that stroll around in San Marcos and the lions that roam in Kerrville.

4. Tornados Can't Be Barbecued

Having an animal as your mascot also poses a great risk, especially in the Lone Star State.

In Texas, people like their steaks (longhorn beef in particular), cabrito (especially Hilltopper goats), and fried frog legs (possibly of the horned toad variety from the Fort Worth, Texas, area).

I'm simply pointing out that Concordia University Texas students never have to worry about their mascot appearing on the dinner table.

3. Tornados Are Focused

We love dogs here at CTX. Our campus, with its tree-lined sidewalks, is a wonderful place to walk them.

But as mascots, dogs are easily distractible. A pesky squirrel or a suspicious-looking stick may avert the dog's attention away from cheering for their university. And that would be a big whoop-s!

And don't get me started on owls. They never know what's going on. They're constantly asking, "Who?" Stop the questions, Sammy.

2. Tornados Don't Just Wing It

Some mascots seem to float around without a plan.

They say the bird is the word, but some of the cardinals in San Antonio, Texas, are flighty. And there's a good reason to fear the sting of the yellow jackets from Longview, Texas — it hurts.

As a Tornado, I have a clear plan for encouraging and supporting CTX: wooshing.

Learn how to woosh!

1. Nothing Can Stop a Tornado

CTX Tornados are persistent, dedicated and strong.

Nothing, and I mean nothing — except colder ground or separating clouds — can stop a Tornado. Woosh!

Are you ready to become a Concordia University Texas Tornado? Apply today!