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5 Exciting Careers for Mathematics Majors That May Surprise You

April 21, 2021
CTX student professionals

Mathematics majors have the opportunity to pursue a variety of exciting careers. The Mathematics program at Concordia University Texas equips students with skills in problem-solving and analytical thinking to excel across industries.

As you prepare for life-changing work, you may be surprised by some of the career opportunities you have with a Mathematics degree, including the following five exciting careers.

1. Database Administrator

Do you enjoy math and technology? Combine them by becoming a database administrator.

As a database administrator, you will be responsible for storing, organizing and securing a business's data using software. You may also lead the development of new databases.

Database administrators are responsible for backing up data, controlling who can access the database and ensuring that the information is secure from people not authorized to access it.

2. Survey Researcher

As a survey researcher, you will plan, develop and conduct surveys, gathering data to analyze and report.

The results gleaned from surveys provide organizations with information that helps them make well-informed decisions.

For example, the U.S. Census is an elaborate national survey conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Federal Reserve Board every ten years. State and local governments use this data to plan programs and budgets, evaluate the economy and more.

3. Market Research Analyst

Surveys are just one tool employed by market research analysts.

A market research analyst studies market conditions to determine the potential success of a product or service in the market. Calculating potential sales, you will help an organization understand what products people want, who wants the products and the prices they're willing to pay for the products.

In order to understand the market, you will use tools such as surveys, questionnaires, market forecasts, sales trends and more.

4. Financial Analyst

Do you follow the Dow? Are you fascinated by financial models? If so, consider becoming a financial analyst.

In your role as a financial analyst, you will study the performance of investments (stocks, bonds, commodities, etc.) to guide investment decisions and other business decisions of an organization.

You will be responsible for a range of tasks, including making financial forecasts, studying economic conditions, identifying financial performance trends, evaluating financial risk and more.

5. Logistician

The role of a logistician is to ensure that an organization's products are delivered successfully to the consumer. As a logistician, you will be responsible for managing a business' supply chain.

Using software to plan and track the movement of products, you will oversee purchasing, transportation, inventory and warehousing. In addition to achieving stable inventory management, you will continually review logistics to identify areas of improvement in the supply chain.

This role requires you to develop strong business relationships with suppliers and clients.

Concordia University Texas Mathematics Program

Concordia University Texas offers both a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Mathematics and a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Mathematics.

Through the University's liberal arts foundation, Mathematics students learn how the discipline impacts other fields, and they learn how to communicate and make connections with other professionals.

Through both bachelor's degrees, students explore the following:

  • Analytical thinking about scientific topics
  • Skills in problem-solving
  • Use of technology in mathematics
  • Communicating and making connections within and outside of mathematics

The primary differences between the BA and the BS in Mathematics are 1. Students who work toward the BS degree learn about the quantitative representation of ideas, and 2. Students who opt for the BS are required to take more credits in upper-level mathematics courses.

In other words, students who earn a BA study a wider variety of topics, while students who earn a BS dive deeper into the field of mathematics.

Are you ready to begin your Mathematics degree at Concordia University Texas? Apply today!