5 Benefits of Being a CTX Alumni

On April 27, another class of students graduated and became Concordia alumni. Here are 5 great benefits to being a CTX Alumni.
The Alumni Association
The Alumni Association was created by Bettie Horn Bendewald in 1998 to keep CTX alumni connected and involved with the University. The association works to help CTX alumni continue developing as Christian leaders.
You automatically become a member of the association when you graduate. But you can become a partner by paying a $25 annual due. Partners have nominating and voting rights, along with receiving other benefits like a window decal, lapel pin, VIP admission to homecoming weekend and more.
Partners’ dues support the work of the alumni association and enable us to provide you with important resources.
Share Your CTX Story
We love sharing the amazing stories of our CTX alumni, and we invite you to share your story with us. Email alumni@concordia.edu to tell us about your CTX experience and how you’re taking the world by storm.
Get Updates in Your Inbox and Mailbox
Concordia sent out its first-ever alumni e-magazine on April 1. This quarterly e-publication has replaced the monthly alumni newsletter and semiannual e-magazine. You will receive updates on the University, a recap of CTX sports, alumni resources and more.
Concordia also sends alumni print magazines in the spring and fall. You will read about campus and student updates, changes to the University, alumni updates and more. This biannual publication is completely free and typically arrives around April/May and December/January.
Update your contact information to ensure that we send alumni information to the right places.
Join a CTX Tradition Team
Assistant Professor Dr. Prairie Burgess spearheaded the creation of CTX Tradition Teams, which celebrate Concordia’s history and core values, to help make connections and build relationships for current students and alumni.
For more information about joining a team, email prairie.burgess@concordia.edu.
Participate in Alumni Events
Keep connected with fellow alumni at our frequent alumni events. You’ll have the opportunity to reconnect with former classmates, meet other CTX alumni and network with people from a variety of communities.
We are grateful to God for the incredible community of alumni we have. Connect with CTX Alumni on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. If you have a great story idea or update, please email alumni@concordia.edu. Woosh!