The College of Education prepares high-quality educators with a Christ-centered approach to teaching, providing various degree programs and certifications to meet the needs of students seeking to teach in public, private, parochial, and nontraditional education settings.
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The College of Education offers a range of degree programs and certifications for aspiring and seasoned educators, including bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, and certifications in specific areas of teaching with in-person and online learning options available.
- Effective communication
- Classroom management
- Curriculum development
- Technology integration
- Leadership Cultural competency
Experience a rigorous and rewarding academic experience that prepares you to become an effective and compassionate educator who makes a positive difference in the lives of your students and communities.
ApplyCTX Blog Posts
Teacher, principal and superintendent candidates prepared at Concordia University continue to excel both in the program and beyond.
Our state certification exam pass rates are consistently above state averages.
Pass rate averages for Concordia University Texas (2019-23):
- 95% Content (all) and PPR
- 94% Principal as Instructional Leader (268)
- 100% Performance Assessment for School Leaders (368)
- 100% Superintendent (195)
Educators at all levels are currently in demand in Texas but this may not always be the case due to the effects of supply and demand. The Texas Workforce Commission posts current job supply data at Job Supply Data - Texas Workforce Commission. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) conducts studies about teacher and administrator demographics, attrition and retention and shortages. To view these reports, go to Texas Education Agency Educator Reports and Data.